Ridge Augmentation in Bellevue, WA

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What is Ridge Augmentation?

Once a tooth has been extracted from the jaw, the remaining socket and surrounding bone begin to dissolve. This deterioration process can create an indentation (or sunken area) in the gums and reduce the density in the alveolar ridge area of your jaw. When dental bone loss occurs, our periodontists may recommend a bone grafting procedure called ridge augmentation to restore bone loss around teeth.

Also known as vertical or horizontal alveolar ridge augmentation, this process uses bone grafts to reestablish the structure of the alveolar ridge, which is the region of the upper and lower jaws that supports the tooth roots. The procedure can return the bone to its initial height and width to prepare your mouth for a dental implant. Ridge augmentation might also be performed for cosmetic reasons, as bone loss in the jaw can lead to the collapse of facial structure and create an aged appearance.

At Premier Periodontics in Bellevue, WA, ridge augmentation can be performed with numerous dental bone graft options. Schedule an appointment with our periodontal specialists to learn about ridge augmentation, implants, and other procedures to reestablish oral health and wellness.

What Are the Benefits of Ridge Augmentation?

Ridge augmentation can help rebuild lost tissue in the jaw. This type of dental bone loss treatment can offer several advantages for your periodontal health, such as:

  • Provide support for dental implants or natural teeth
  • Improve the fit of removable dentures
  • Maintain the natural contour of your jaw
  • Help enhance the shape of your face
  • Reduce the risk of further bone loss

If you have bone loss after extractions or bone deterioration due to gum disease, an injury, or other concerns, you may benefit from a ridge augmentation procedure.

When do you need ridge augmentation?

You may be a candidate for a ridge augmentation with our Seattle-area team if you have lost bone density in the alveolar ridge of your upper or lower arch. Dental bone loss may be due to the following:

  • Prolonged tooth loss
  • Tooth extractions
  • Gum disease
  • Trauma or injury
  • Other oral complications

When a tooth is extracted, the roots leave behind sockets or spaces in the bone, which often collapse inward unless additional bone is added for support. If you wish to replenish the shape of your gums and jaw or boost bone density to support an implant, ridge augmentation could be a proper procedure to address your goals.

what should I expect from bone regeneration?

A ridge augmentation bone graft is generally performed as an outpatient procedure and may be completed using IV or oral sedation with a local anesthetic. In many cases, ridge augmentation procedures are performed immediately following a tooth extraction to preserve the area for future dental implant surgery (socket preservation). The first step in the procedure is to set the bone graft into the jawbone socket where the tooth was removed. Our highly trained surgeons use minimally invasive Piezoelectric techniques to prepare your jaw for the graft. We may also add growth factors into the grafting site to encourage natural bone growth and facilitate a faster healing response. Following that, your gums will be shaped over the bone graft before being sutured closed. It may be necessary, in some instances, for our team to add a second material to the graft to create the space and height to address your needs fully.

how long does it take to heal from a dental bone graft?

If you received sedation for your procedure, you will need to have a responsible friend or family member drive you home and take care of you for a couple of hours. You may have some pain and discomfort following your ridge augmentation. Our Seattle periodontists will supply you with all your necessary recovery instructions, diet restrictions, and prescriptions to help ensure you have a smooth recovery procedure. Please contact our office immediately if you have any questions or complications. A follow-up appointment may be scheduled to remove the sutures and allow our team to monitor your recovery. The bone grafting site generally takes around 6 – 9 months to fully heal and integrate with your existing jawbone.

will dental insurance cover augmentations?

We will customize your ridge augmentation treatment plan during your initial consultation and help you choose the ideal bone grafting and sedation techniques. We can also review your insurance benefits with you to help you better understand your coverage and provide an estimate of any out-of-pocket expenses. Premier Periodontics accepts many payment methods and may be able to help you find low-interest financing to make your ridge augmentation easier to afford. 

Ridge Augmentation FAQ

Where does the bone graft for ridge augmentation come from?
Most ridge augmentation bone grafts use tissue harvested from your own body (jaw, hip, or tibia) or a donor bank. In some cases, a bone graft is performed using a synthetic material.

Does ridge augmentation hurt?
No, most patients don't experience pain during their ridge augmentation procedure. Before we begin, the treatment area is completely numbed with a local anesthetic. We also use IV or oral sedation to ensure you are comfortable during the procedure. During recovery, some discomfort, pain, swelling, and bruising is to be expected, but this is typically minor, easily controllable with OTC pain relievers, and usually fades in a few days.

How long is recovery after a ridge augmentation bone graft?
Ridge augmentation is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning you'll be able to go home when you're done; however, you will need someone to drive you. Most patients are able to return to their normal routine the following day, but they may still need a week or two to feel back to normal. Those who opted for sedation may take an extra day or two to recover. The full healing process typically takes about 6 – 9 months, depending on your overall health and the ability of your body to heal.

When can I eat normal food again?
We will give you aftercare instructions, but in most cases, you should eat soft foods and soups for a few days while avoiding spicy, hot, or crunchy foods. You should also take special care to keep the treatment area clean.

Can ridge augmentation improve the stability of dental implants?
Yes, ridge augmentation can significantly enhance the stability of dental implants. By restoring the bone structure in areas where it has deteriorated, ridge augmentation creates a solid foundation for dental implants, ensuring they are secure and long-lasting. Without this procedure, there may not be enough bone to support the implant, increasing the risk of implant failure.

Will I need follow-up appointments after ridge augmentation?
Yes, follow-up appointments are essential to monitor your healing progress. During these visits, your oral surgeon will check the graft site to ensure proper healing and bone integration. The number and frequency of follow-up visits will vary based on your individual healing process, but typically, you will have a few appointments over several months to ensure the procedure is successful.

Related Procedures

Benefit from Rebuilding bone density

Horizontal or vertical ridge augmentation can be very effective in rebuilding decreased bone density that results from tooth loss, gum disease, or other oral issues. This type of bone grafting technique can provide a solid foundation for your future implants and help you regain natural facial contours for a more youthful appearance. If you need dental bone loss treatment in Bellevue, WA, contact Premier Periodontics to learn more about ridge augmentation and dental implants and to schedule your visit.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.