What Are the Benefits of the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique?
When gum disease is left untreated and advances to later stages, gum recession may occur. This leads to the gum line shrinking and tooth roots being exposed. At Premier Periodontics, we offer gum grafting and soft tissue grafting that helps improve how your gumline looks. It also protects your tooth roots from experiencing sensitivity and pain. Our team of periodontal specialists uses different grafting techniques, including the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST) for gum recession treatment. Contact one of our Washington locations in Bellevue, Everett, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Olympia, or Redmond to schedule an appointment today.
Causes of receding gums
Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth is pulled back or wears away. This leads to more of the tooth being exposed, including the root. When this occurs, pockets form between the teeth and the gumline, which makes them susceptible to disease-causing bacteria buildup. When left untreated, this tissue and the surrounding bone structures of the teeth can be damaged. What often results is tooth loss.
There are many reasons why gum recession occurs, including:
Aggressive tooth brushing: When you brush the wrong way, or brush too hard, it causes the enamel to wear away.
Periodontal disease: This bacterial gum infection destroys your gum tissue and the bone that holds your teeth together.
Teeth grinding and clenching: Both put too much force on your teeth and gums.
Poor oral hygiene: Not flossing and brushing enough allows plaque to turn into tartar. This tartar is what increases your risk of developing periodontal disease.
Hormonal changes: Puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and even hormonal imbalances all can lead to gum sensitivity.
Poor bite: When your teeth don’t come together right, too much force is placed on your gums.
Who is the best candidate for gum grafting?
Receding gums impact how your smile looks. When your gumline recedes, exposed tooth roots lack the proper protection necessary, leading to sensitivity. This is what leaves them most at risk for damage due to tooth decay. While receding gums are fairly common, most people don’t even realize they have receding gums as it occurs gradually. The first sign of gum recession is usually tooth sensitivity. When you believe that your gums are receding, it’s important to make an appointment with our periodontal specialists at Premier Periodontics to discuss gum recession treatments. A consultation helps us to detect whether gum grafting will fix your receding gums.
Gum recession treatment
Gum grafts help repair gum recession caused by periodontal disease. We can use different grafts during your treatment. While minimally invasive, we do numb the treatment area with local anesthesia. Our periodontal specialists make a pinhole-sized opening, known as the Chao Pinhole. There is no cut or incisions made; this hole is made only with a small needle.
Through this small opening, we gently move receded tissues back to where they belong through this entry point. Returning the gumline to a healthier place also almost immediately protects at-risk surfaces. Thin pieces of collagen are placed between the teeth and gums to hold your new gumline in place as it heals. Minor swelling is normal for the first few days after gum recession surgery.
How long does the Chao Pinhole Technique last?
This depends on your starting point. However, our periodontal specialists believe that this treatment is long-lasting with proper oral hygiene.
Benefits of Pinhole Surgery Technique
There are many benefits of using the Pinhole Surgery Technique, including:
Quick recovery
No need to take tissue from elsewhere in the mouth
Treat all gum recession at the same time
No stitches
Learn how gum grafting and the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique improves oral health
Premier Periodontics offers gum recession treatment that resolves gum recession. This gum recession treatment improves a patient’s oral health and improves how their smile looks almost instantly. When you have gum recession, it’s important to schedule an appointment with our periodontal specialists to discuss treatment at one of our locations in Bellevue, Everett, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Olympia, or Redmond.