When Can You Eat Normally After Gum Grafting?

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When gum disease has become advanced, gum recession occurs. This causes the gumline to shrink and tooth roots to be exposed. At Premier Periodontics in Bellevue, WA, we offer gum recession treatment to improve how the gumline looks and to protect tooth roots from any pain or sensitivity. Our periodontal specialists use different grafting technologies during cosmetic periodontal treatment. Contact one of our seven locations in Washington, including Bellevue, Everett, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Olympia, or Redmond, to schedule a consultation to learn more about how this treatment can restore your oral health.

Causes of gum recession

Gum recession happens when the margin of gum tissue that surrounds teeth is pulled away. When this occurs, pockets form between the teeth and the gumline, which allows harmful bacteria to build up there. When this is left untreated, the gums are damaged, which can lead to tooth loss.

Several factors influence gum recession, including:

  • Hormonal changes: Any hormonal change, including pregnancy or menopause, can make your gums more sensitive.

  • Periodontal disease: This gum infection destroys gum tissue and is the main cause of gum recession.

  • Poor oral hygiene: A poor oral hygiene routine that does not consist of regular brushing and flossing allows plaque to turn to tartar, which leads to gum recession. Brushing too hard or wrong can lead to enamel erosion, which also causes recession.

  • Teeth grinding or clenching: Both put too much force on your teeth, which can cause gum recession.

When you believe your gums are receding, it’s important to make an appointment as soon as possible at Premier Periodontics to discuss gum grafting.

What is gum grafting?

Our periodontal specialists use different graft types during gum grafting treatment at Premier Periodontics. While this treatment is minimally invasive, we do numb any area being treated with local anesthesia. After a patient in Bellevue, WA is numb, our periodontists make a pinhole-sized opening known as the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique.

Through this small opening, we gently move receded gum tissue back to their desired position. This also helps cover any exposed roots. Returning your gumline to a healthier place protects against further damage. We use thin pieces of collagen in between the teeth and gums to hold your new gumline in place during recovery. Minor swelling is normal for the first few days following gum grafting treatment.

Any discomfort or pain you feel will vary depending on your particular oral health. It’s normal to feel sensitivity after your treatment. We will prescribe antibiotics as a preventative measure after gum grafting. Healing usually is very quick, with optimal results after just one to two weeks.

What to eat after gum grafting?

In terms of eating normally after gum grafting, a liquid diet is recommended for the first few days post-op. On the day of surgery, we recommend eating only cold food and beverages, such as pudding, yogurt, shakes, or ice cream. Do not drink any acidic fruit juice or sodas, and don’t use a straw for several days. The third day after surgery, a soft food diet can be started where you can enjoy pasta, fish, soup, mashed potatoes, rice, eggs, cooked soft vegetables, or oatmeal. Avoid chewing on the surgical site side of the mouth.

A follow-up appointment to check your healing and to remove any stitches (if applicable) at Premier Periodontics will be scheduled about a week after your procedure at our office.

Learn more on how gum grafting improves your oral health

At Premier Periodontics, we perform gum grafting to help patients repair their receding gums and to improve their oral health. Gum recession treatment also improves a smile. When you’re experiencing receding gums, schedule an appointment with our periodontal specialists at one of our locations in Bellevue, Everett, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Olympia, or Redmond, WA. We can perform a thorough exam to determine whether you’re a viable candidate for gum grafting.

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