How Can Gum Grafting Correct Receding Gums?
When gum disease has progressed into more advanced stages, gum recession may occur. This causes the gumline to shrink and the tooth roots to be exposed. At Premier Periodontics, we perform gum grafting or soft tissue grafting in order to improve the appearance of the gumline and to protect these tooth roots from sensitivity and pain. Our team of periodontists uses different grafting techniques for gum recession treatment. We will create a custom treatment plan to repair your gums. Contact one of our convenient Washington locations in Bellevue, Everett, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Olympia, or Redmond to schedule an appointment to learn more about what we can do to restore your oral health.
Causes of receding gums
Gum recession is the process where the margin of the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth wears away or is pulled back. This exposes more of the tooth, including the tooth root. When this happens, pockets form between the teeth and the gumline, which makes it susceptible to a buildup of disease-causing bacteria. If it is left untreated, the supporting tissue and bone structures of your teeth can be damaged and can lead to tooth loss.
While this is a common dental problem, most people don’t realize they have it because it occurs gradually. Oftentimes the first sign of gum recession is tooth sensitivity. This isn’t something that you should ignore. If you think your gums are receding, it’s important to make an appointment to discuss the treatment options our specialists can provide to restore your oral health.
Who is the best candidate for gum grafting?
Receding gums can impact how your teeth look. They may look longer or more aged. When the gumline recedes, the exposed tooth roots lack the protection that they need and they will begin to feel sensitive. They also are at risk for damage for tooth decay or abrasion from brushing. Gum grafts are performed to repair this gum recession, which is caused by periodontal disease. A consultation with our periodontal specialists at Premier Periodontics can help you learn if your smile can benefit from gum grafting.
Why do gums recede?
There are a number of factors that can cause your gums to recede, including:
Periodontal disease: This bacterial gum infection destroys gum tissue and the supporting bone that holds your teeth in place. Gum disease is the most common cause of gum recession.
Aggressive tooth brushing: If you brush your teeth the wrong way or too hard, it can cause the enamel on the teeth to wear away, which can lead to gum recession.
Poor oral hygiene: Poor brushing and flossing makes it easier for plaque to turn into tartar, both of which can lead to receding gums.
Hormonal changes: Pregnancy and menopause both can make the gums more sensitive.
Teeth grinding or clenching: Both can put too much force on the teeth, which can lead to gum recession.
Misaligned bite: When the teeth don’t come together evenly, too much force is placed on the gums and the bone.
What is gum grafting?
There are different types of grafts that can be used with gum grafting surgery. Though it is minimally invasive, we numb the treatment areas with a local anesthetic. Our periodontists will make a pinhole-sized opening known as the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique (PST).
Through a small opening in the gums, we gently move receded tissues back to their desired position through this entry point. This will cover exposed roots. Returning the gumline to a healthier place provides immediate protection for at-risk surfaces. Thin pieces of collagen are placed between the teeth and gums in order to hold the gumline in its new location during the healing process. Minor swelling may be noticeable the first few days following gum grafting that should resolve quickly.
Learn more about gum grafting and how it can improve your oral health
Premier Periodontics performs gum grafting to help our patients to repair their receding gums. This is a proven gum recession treatment that improves your oral health and improves the appearance of you. If you have gum recession, schedule an appointment with our periodontal specialists at one of our locations in Bellevue, Everett, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Olympia, or Redmond, WA.